Posts tagged SOCAIL MEDIA
Sarah Merrill of “Big Kid Problems” on Growing & Monetizing Social Media, Overcoming Fear, And Leaving Your 9-5 Responsibly | The Failure Factor Episode 23

It’s one thing to leave a job you hate to follow your dreams; but what about leaving that “cushy” job that’s not totally terrible?  In this interview, brought to you by Discover LMS, Sarah Merrill of “Big Kid problems” walks Megan through how she traversed this decision in her own life and how she’s made a successful business out of social media.

From appearing as a guest on the day- time Emmy winning Steve Harvey Show on three separate episodes teaching “Social Media 101” segments, and being featured on various podcasts and websites as a “millennial thought leader”, listen in as Sarah shares how she embraces fear and failure, and lets us in on her secrets to growing and monetizing her following to a quarter-million.


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