The communication tools you need to get what you want in bed | THE BROADCAST

“Everything is great with Josh… except our sex life.” My client Leah explained. “It’s like night and day compared to my last relationship. I actually feel valued and loved for once, but things are so vanilla in the bedroom. Maybe it was because my ex and I were so volatile — and I feel badly saying this — but our sex was sooo much better. I don’t want to hurt Josh’s feelings, plus I’m afraid to tell him about the kinky shit I’m into because I worry it’ll freak him out.”


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The game-changing tool to create confidence that no one talks about | THE BROADCAST

“How do you do it, Meg?” a recently-single girlfriend asked me. She’d just been ghosted (a painful initiation back into the dating scene after nearly a decade) and was understandably discouraged by the process.

“How do you keep putting yourself out there after being burned over and over again? How do you spend so much time alone? How do you have the confidence to go on so many dates, then deal with the frustration and pain of it all?”


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16 Areas Your Doctor May Not Check Before Prescribing Medication For Anxiety Or Depression | The Broadcast

“Considering your family history, I think you ought to consider antidepressants,” my doctor stated, her tone gentle yet firm as I sobbed sdfin her office.

My mood had been a battle for as long as I could remember, but lately it had become particularly unbearable. Every morning I awoke to inexplicable heaviness and lethargy – a depression thick with anxiety, guilt, and futility. I’d always felt like a bit of an outsider, but this was extreme. I felt disconnected from reality – like those dreams where you’re trying to scream or fight back or run but are paralyzed. I’d been exhausted for months, taking naps on the yoga mat in my office or the front seat of my car during lunch. I couldn’t concentrate in my sessions with clients and felt like my brain was operating at 20%


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I Broke Up With Caffeine And These Four Beautiful Things Happened | The Broadcast

“Do you think I could have a brain tumor?” I asked my nurse bestie while we waited inhe chairlift. My head had been throbbing for the past fifteen minutes and, being one of those incredibly lucky people who never gets headaches, my inner hypochondriac was having a heyday.

She rolled her eyes and assured me I didn’t have a brain tumor (but I mean, how did she know for sure…?), and we later discovered the reason for my unusual pain: unbeknownst to us, her brother had made decaf coffee that morning. And that was the moment I could no longer deny my dependence on caffeine to be a functioning human


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